June 17, 04:10 PM - 04:50 PM CEST

Bringing women into focus

While feminist perspectives recently may well be the focus of popular culture, oppression, discrimination and violence continue to prevail in the everyday lives of countless women around the world. The bodies of women have become an extention of the battlefield in recent history, for example during Hamas’ attack on Israel or the alleged systematic poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran. At the same time, do we even see the female perspective enough? According to a study on gender equality in the news media, only a quarter of interviewees and sources in the news are female.  
What political and social processes are needed to end discrimination against women? How can feminist foreign policy bring about change? How can feminist media highlight solutions and give women a sustainable voice by reporting on women's issues? What challenges do feminist media themselves face? And how can all journalists become active allies?