June 18, 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM CEST

Media and communication in crisis. A feminist approach

We live in an era of crises, one of the most serious being the restriction and poisoning of debates and public discussions.
We are in the midst of a media and communication crisis. These adverse scenarios are not unfamiliar to feminist movements.
Historically, feminists have confronted violence, inequality, and discrimination with imagination and creativity.
What can we in journalism learn from this capacity to envision alternative futures? How can our journalistic work be transformed through a courageous feminist approach?

Short Bio - Jhulissa Michelle Nogales Cardozo
CEO and co-founder of the journalism and communications project MUY WASO.
In 2021, she joined the team of ‘Colmena’ an open source software for the Global South.
Since 2023, she leads a national MIL training project with journalists, feminist and LGBTIQ+ content creators of Bolivia.
Currently a guest professor at the UPSA's Indigenous Journalism Program and part of the DW Academy's Global Reference Group.
Takes place at
Booth DW Akademie
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